BIM from the Perspective of an HR Recruiter
Kristine Day shares her market perspective, provides 5 recommendations for candidates / employers and discusses careers in BIM.
Communication is key
BIM Cartoons – Can you please sync? Vat should I sync about?
New BIM employee integration
BIM Cartoons – Did you onboarding the new hire on BIM? As in, waterboard with BIM?
A Glimpse into the World of BIM Training
Tarek Ghazzaoui shares his experience about training, why train, training evaluations, modes, types, categories, groups and target audience.
Model control freak
BIM Cartoons – Can you please relinquish elements in the model, for the 4th time?
Blaming the architect
BIM Cartoons – John recently joined our engineering team. His specialty is blaming the architect.
Change resistance conference
BIM Cartoons – BIM is like tax collection. If you don’t go to it, it will come to you.
All About the Level of Development (LOD)
Tarek Ghazzaoui discusses what Level of Development (LOD) is, why we need it, where to specify it, why it is beneficial and the use of LOD in the UK versus the USA.